Friday, November 7, 2008

Sony Ericsson W705 Reincarnation W980

london - Sony Ericsson apparently very serious to investigate brand pemutar digital music in the cellular phone most popular in the market gadget. This authentication was increasingly strong after Sony Ericsson will launch the series cellular phone walkman that was newest.

It was W705 that was reincarnation of Sony Ericsson W980, that by the analyses digadang-gadang as the cellular phone with audio best in his class. In the series W705 this in fact not many changes from the series that beforehand, inside still was received by the application of standard music, like TrackID, or SenseMe.

Not want to made disappointed his loyal user, in W705 this the lovers of music could replace the song route with the innovation shake, so really was destabiliseed music could have been changed, the memory capacity through to 4 gigabyte could keep the song many definitely. It was interesting, this cellular phone was increased by the automatic rotation, so as playlist the song could be changed from portrait to landscape.

To complete all that, Sony Ericsson added the system wireless home audio. So as with Bluetooth music that was turned will be connected with Home Audio MBS-900

For the internet surfer, this newest series dilengkap with Wi-Fi that facilitated in exploring the world maya, with the measurement of the screen 2.4 inchi, the user's eyes will be spoilt. The application of the map of electronics like Google Map then has disarangkan in this cellular phone.

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