Friday, November 14, 2008

Popularised BlackBerry for the Women

As one of the providers of the device BlackBerry official from Research In Motion (RIM) ,PT Indosat increasingly incessant did a promotion to his loyal customer.

This time that dituju was the user of the postpaid card Matrix,terutama the group perempuan.Lho,kenapa? “Karakter the woman more teliti,tekun,dan patient in doing something. In Promotion,women also more persuasive to his interlocutor, both of the same gender and the opponent of the kind. Nah, this Blackberry device became the implement that could help the achievement of the office, at first for the career woman that every day always mobile,”ujar Nova Eliza that also used BlackBerry.

Gathering the user's community of the postpaid Matrix card that was acknowledged as Matrix Hit Zone this not very much was spread out. However, this time was more exclusive, where the user Matrix was asked to know further about the device BlackBerry. ”Kegiatan Matrix the zone Hit was the appreciation for the user of the card VIP Matrix.Saat this we only asked 100 mothers muda,eksekutif muda,dan the career woman aged 25 till 35 years.

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